Jr East, West Expect Biggest Net Losses For Fy2020

JR East, West expect biggest net losses for FY2020

Two major Japanese railway operators expect their net losses this fiscal year to be their biggest since they came into being following state rail privatization. The firms attribute the losses to the coronavirus outbreak.

East Japan Railway Company on Wednesday published its business projections for fiscal 2020 ending next March. The firm expects to post 3.98 billion dollars in losses.

This Old Wagon Bed Is For Wild West Fanatics

This old wagon bed is for Wild West fanatics

Transcript: Pioneer wagon bed for Wild West fanatics. Spend your sleepy nights on a wagon bed. The twin bed from Hitchman Homestead can be assembled for indoor or outdoor slumber. It's made from a steel frame. Hitchman Homestead claims that it can break down for easy setup anywhere. The wagon bed comes with a bonnet, toy box, flip down steps, and slide-out drawer. Goodnight Pioneer Wagon Twin Bed is priced at $6,750. Click here to check it out for yourself.