Study Finds Iphone Users More Likely To Trade - In Than Android

Study Finds iPhone Users More Likely To Trade-In Than Android

Whenever you want to buy a new phone, there is the question of what are you going to do with your old one? A practical approach to it would be to trade it in or sell it off, which in turn helps you offset some of the costs of your new phone. According to a recent survey by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, it seems that iPhone owners are more likely to do that than their Android counterparts.

According to the results of the survey, they found that more than 35% of iPhone owners who have purchased a new or used device in the past 12 months either sold off or traded in their older model. It also found that trade-ins were more popular than outright selling it, where 30% traded-in their iPhones, while only 5% sold.

So how does Android fare in this scenario? Based on the survey, they found that roughly 5% of Android owners who got rid of their older devices did so by selling them, while only 10% of them traded theirs in. It also found that nearly half of Android devices tend to be kept, while 29% of iPhone owners do the same.

It is well-known that iPhones tend to hold their value better compared to Android, so it is possible that’s why iPhone owners are more inclined to sell off their devices rather than keep them, but what say you?

Filed in Apple >Cellphones. Read more about Android, Google and iPhone. Source: appleinsider