Japanese Envoy In Rakine State To Oversee Voting

Japanese envoy in Rakine State to oversee voting

The Japanese government has dispatched a special envoy to a war-torn region of Myanmar to help carry out voting that was postponed due to fighting.

Myanmar held a general election on November 8 but the election commission postponed voting at all nine electoral districts in Rakhine State. The government has not said when voting in the region will take place.

Voting Underway To Select Tokyo Governor

Voting underway to select Tokyo governor

It's election day in Tokyo. Voters will decide who should govern the capital for the next four years, but this time around there are more face masks and social distancing.

The coronavirus also affected campaigning with mass rallies replaced by online vote-grabbing.

Voting Starts To Select Tokyo Governor

Voting starts to select Tokyo governor

It's election day in Tokyo. Voters will decide who should govern the capital for the next four years, but this time around there will be more face masks and social distancing.

The coronavirus also affected campaigning with mass rallies replaced by online vote-grabbing.