Sony Reportedly Wanted To Increase Game Prices Above $70

Sony Reportedly Wanted To Increase Game Prices Above $70

Right now, the current standard of video game prices is set at $60 for triple-A titles, not taking into account deluxe editions or collector editions. This has been the standard for years, but with next-gen consoles, we’re starting to see some publishers move towards pricing games at around the $70 mark which is expected to become the new standard.

However, according to a report from Bloomberg, it seems that even $70 wasn’t enough for Sony, so much so that the report claimed that Sony was in discussions to possibly increase the price of games beyond the $70 mark. The report does not mention when these talks took place or if they’re still in discussion.

Nintendo Reportedly Wanted Kingdom Hearts' Sora In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Nintendo Reportedly Wanted Kingdom Hearts' Sora In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. franchise contains video game characters from a variety of games and publishers. Now, we imagine that Nintendo probably has a ton of ideas as to what kind of characters they want in the game, and that they might not necessarily be successful with all their requests.

One of those unsuccessful requests is apparently Sora from Kingdom Hearts. This is according to a recent episode on the Kinda Funny Gamescast where former Game Informer editor, Imran Khan, claimed that Nintendo had approached Disney and asked if they could have Sora in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.